Various Health Uses of Lysine
Lysine, a popular amino acid, is not produced naturally in the human body. However, it can be supplemented through the diet if the process of formation of the amino acid becomes deficient. Scientific studies focused on this amino acid have turned up with several l lysine uses. Examples of foods rich in this amino acid are beans, peas, milk, eggs, lentils, sardines, cheese, nuts and so on.
Deficiency of the amino acid can cause dizziness, loss of appetite, agitation, bloodshot eyes, reproductive problems, nausea and so on. Consequently, you can prevent all these problems by using the amino acid.
Lysine is equally reliable for treating bed sores. You only need to apply the amino acid on the affected area and this topical application is sufficient to reduce the bed sores, especially in hospitalized individuals. Certain foods are enriched with lysine, e.g. wheat. Consuming such foods can lower stress and anxiety. It can equally work in both men and women.
Additionally, this amino acid helps to strengthen muscles and can rarely cause l lysine side effects. Studies show that young men taking 80 mg/kg of the amino acid daily for about eight weeks recorded a considerable improvement in muscle strength with their forearm increasing the circumference as much as 7.5%.
Schizophrenia is a common occurrence and can be put under control by using l-lysine supplements. It can equally be added to existing antipsychotic drugs and it can improve the effects of these drugs a great deal. Studies show that it boosts the actions of antipsychotic drugs by up to 34%! It can equally be used in treating schizophrenia in patients that do not respond to traditional antipsychotic drugs.
Its effect on cold sore is equally well documented. The amino acid can inhibit the virus responsible for cold sore if you take it after the first sign of cold sore. Cold sore is caused by the herpes virus and it responds to this amino acid without recording any of the l lysine side effects.
Other l lysine uses you should bear in mind are:
- Treatment of herpes simplex virus infection
- It can promote the formation of collagen, which is responsible for building connective tissues like cartilage, bines and so on.
- It has anxiolytic effect; it blocs the receptors for serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and prevent diarrhea and other anxiety response
- It can equally lessen diabetes complications
- It can lower glucose level and promote insulin secretion
- Furthermore, it can improve heart function and reduce pancreatic inflammation